Monday, March 15, 2010


It has now been proven, beyond all doubt, that Shirley Twofeathers IS Green Lantern. See for yourself the results of this amazingly accurate assessment found on the most reliable of sources - The World Wide Web.

Your results:
You are Green Lantern
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Not only that, but they gave me the percentages of my other superheroness:

  • Iron Man 75%
  • Wonder woman 65%
  • Spiderman 60%
  • The Hulk 60%
  • Batman 55%
  • Super Girl 55%
  • Robin 55%
  • Catwoman 55%
  • Superman 35%
  • The Flash 35%


  • The Green Lantern 85%

Interestingly, this adds up to... let me see...

I'm 635% Superhero
And hmm...
That leaves 0% for being uncool and merely human!
Nifty, huh?
See what happens when you learn how to talk like a physicist?

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

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