Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hundreds line up to try sheep testicles

Hundreds of people queued up in lines for up to an hour at the 16th annual Mountain Oyster Fry event in Nevada, to try something a little bit different.

On the menu were sheep testicles, also known as 'fried oysters', and servers at the five food booths got through approximately 60kg of the delicacies.

The tiny morsels can be fried, barbecued, stuffed, ground up and even sautéed.

Visitors had mixed reviews after tasting the sheep testicles, but Amanda Palmer, 21, from Carson City had no problem eating them.

'People think, "Oh sheep testicles, gross", but it was pretty good,' she said.

Dan Herron, 32, from Reno, wasn't a fan, even though he was spending his fourth year at the festival barbecuing the meat.

'It's disgusting. It's like peeling a big grape,' he said when describing the process of skinning and preparing the testicles.

Believe it or not, the meat is pretty versatile and has also been used in tacos and sloppy joes (a hot sandwich).

Shauna Reese, 32, from Reno, said: 'We try to get families from all over to try them, but they're all "nuh-uh". It's just another tender meat.'

(This is old news - way back in March of 07. But I'm posting it here to give a little bit of credibility to my post on pulling out sheep testicles with your teeth.)

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