Monday, December 21, 2009

Posting Shit On Facebook

In case you weren't paying attention, I posted a whole bunch of silly widgets and other stuff on facebook, Gypsy Magic, and yes... here too. Suddenly it occured to me that maybe I was just fooling around and maybe I should get busy and go Christmas Shopping. But I didn't want to stop, I thought maybe... who knows... what I've been posting might actually have some value.

So I asked Tony Soprano if anyone was even going to read a single one of my facebook posts today and he had this to say:

I doubt it. -- You don't shit where you eat. And you really don't shit where I eat.

Hmmmm... have I been posting shit on facebook all morning? I decided that maybe I should ask Buffy if Tony Soprano was right. Here's what she said:

Yes, without a doubt. -- If I was any more open-minded about the choices you two make, my whole brain would fall out.

When I quit laughing so hard that I spit coffee out my nose, it occured to me to ask Tony Montana what he thought about the whole thing and he said this:

It's hard to say. -- I got ears, ya' know. I hear things.

LOL... too funny!!! I love these widgets!! Those question mark chairs are cool too!

1 comment:

  1. OOps! I forgot to ask Dexter. He's not too happy with me... here's his comment:

    You're going away with me all right - in a garbage bag.


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