Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Look what I found!

Ok... I stumbled onto something very cool and hilarious. It's the very secret diary of Aragorn... something I definitely  need if I'm going to be him, don't you think?

The Very Secret Diary of Aragorn, Son of Arathorn

By: Cassandra Claire

Day One:
Ringwraiths killed: 4. V. good.
Met up with Hobbits. Walked forty miles. Skinned a squirrel and ate it.
Still not King.

Day Four:
Stuck on mountain with Hobbits. Boromir really annoying.
Not King yet....

Oops... this post has been moved to my personal blog on my new website, shirleytwofeathers.com, and can be found in it's entirety here: The Very Secret Diary of Aragorn

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