Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feeling Discouraged

Way back in July of 09, I wrote the following post and somehow it never got posted. It is somewhat discouraging to me that I'm still in that dark wood, the Slough of Despond, and sitll without a muse or even a puppy...

Feeling Discouraged? Start something new!

At least this is what the Oracle told me just now. I have spent most of the day wandering in my "dark wood" without the benefit of a Beatrice, a Virgil, or a firm and structured belief in the afterlife. It feels pretty much like the Slough of Despond to me...

So, I asked Auntie Moss if my life was worth living, and she said, "What does an old witch woman know?" Apparently not a heck of a lot!! So then I thought I'd ask the Oracle and this is what I got:

I asked the I Ching Oracle:
how can I find a way to make a life that feels good to be in?

16. Yu - Eagerness to Start, Enthusiasm
Start something new. Celebration, feasting, and music will raise your spirits.

What does the Oracle hold for you?

Interestingly, this is something I often do. I get discouraged, down hearted, and next thing you know, I'm knee deep in some new project. That's why I have 27 blogs - 3 websites - a table full of mosaic stuff - under which is stored art supplies - a room full of strange stuff that I once thought I'd do something really cool with - not to mention 5 cats and a crazy insane dog - and a whole bunch of unfinished projects floating around here and there.

Actually - now that we're in 2011 - its more blogs, more websites, more strange stuff, but thankfully... just 4 cats, 2 birds, and not even one crazy insane dog! I can't tell if I'm making progress or not...

Looks like I need to start counting my marbles, doesn't it?

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