Monday, January 2, 2012

Finding My Inner Ranger

Well, day one of finding my inner Ranger has gone pretty well, I think. I have an idea that this could possibly be the one year when I actually succeed in my quest to "be" who I want to be. But I dunno... it's just the first day. I'm posting a clip from Lord of the Rings to give me some inspiration and some umph... especially when I just want to sit around and eat cookies...

And this post has been moved to my personal blog at, and can be found in its entirety here: Finding My Inner Ranger

1 comment:

  1. I really like the list part. Maybe I am a Ranger, been doing most of the things on the list for awhile, not all, but most. I also need to get going on the physical fitness part. Elrond may be old but he could still kick butt when he needed to.


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