Friday, February 20, 2015

Gag Me With A Fork

I love the title to this blog post!
And I can't think of anything to go with it...

I trolled Facebook looking for something that would qualify...

I watched the news
I stared mindlessly at the seemingly endless flow of 
mind numbing soul sucking buy me buy now 
advertising on network television.
Came up empty.

I googled it
Found a deleted You Tube video
Dictionary definitions - Boring!!
A number of twitter comments - Even More Boring!!
A strange foodie post at Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit
And this picture

So then I thought it might be a good idea to look inside and see if there is anything personal I'd like to say about things that annoy me to the point of  "Gag Me With A Fork" 
 Everything I came up with was too stupid to write about... 
I kept gagging and deleting..

I guess at some point a person has to give up
So this is me giving up on the idea of a clever "gag me with a fork blog post"
and sharing a picture by someone else about someone else instead.

Ok... I can't resist.
More forks..
Actually a lot of them:

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