Monday, January 4, 2010

Being Entish

Ok... so I just posted a bunch of stuff about Ents. As a matter of fact, you now have access, on this site, to just about everything you might ever want to know about Treebeard and the Entmoot. I have quotes, a list, and fresh from wikipedia - a history. Why?

Well, I'm getting to that. Don't be hasty, little human.

I watched the Lord of the Rings, as I always do this time of the year. And while I've already blogged about how once again, I'm going for the gold and will be trying to "be" Aragorn, what I haven't talked endlessly about, at least not yet, but I will... soon enough, is who I have actually succeeded at "being" for the past year. And yes, you've probably guessed it already. I'm pretty sure that I've spent most of last year being about as Entish as a person can get....

And this post has been moved to my personal blog on my new website, and can be found in its entirety here: Being Entish

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