Monday, February 21, 2011

Doing The work without doing it!

So, looks to me like nobody actually wants to do "the work." And if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about - that's ok because well... I never do either.

And what I think I'm talking about is the latest Prosperity Project. A while back, I thought it would be a really good idea to do The Work - and I've been working my ass off avoiding doing the actual work of doing the work. Instead, what I have done is an unprecedented amount of blogging. I have actually completed the entire 30 day project - 2 sometimes 3 posts a day for 30 days - that's more than 60 posts folks!! - complete with awesome illustrative artwork - all prescheduled so that the Prosperity Project can post like clockwork and I'll never even have to look at it for the entire time we're "doing the work."

I may even have to do the work on why I'm not doing the work... so that I can find out if it's really true or not that I'm not doing it because maybe I'm actually doing it without knowing that I'm doing it...

It's fun that no one else is doing it with me because now I can moan and complain about how nobody wants to do the work - and nobody is participating - and nobody even goes to the prosperity project. I can blame my own lack of participation on everyone else's lack of participation and find all kinds of excuses to feel sorry for myself - and use up every inch of my available brain power with that so that there really isn't time - or room in my life to do the work on myself for myself with myself by myself.

Cool, huh? And hey, if you're totally not interested in doing the work over at the Prosperity Project, you're probably equally not interested in all the cool pictures I found to go with it.

I didn't, for example, post this one:

Nor did I post these:

Astonshing, the talent it would take to do this, huh?

Yes, it is actually a shoe carved into the lead of a carpenter's pencil!

Nifty, huh?
Pencil shavings - who thinks of shit like this?

I didn't post this one either - it's a torso made of pencils.
Looks almost snuggly, doesn't it?

Yes, you guessed it!
That's a big glob made out of pencils.

Oh, and just in case you didn't want to see it!
Here's one I actually did post.


  1. wah, wah, wah, nobody wants to play with you. :-) I can never figure out what to do, seems like it is more of an interactive thing. Remember the last time we tried it we had better luck when we did it together, when we were supposed to be working? Me I am still hiding from work here under the bed with my blankie. hehehe

  2. Apparently you missed the part where I said I was GLAD that no one was doing it with me ...

  3. nah, just don't pay attention to what you say. Hehe. Can't hear you above the voices in my head.


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