For now, I have decided to sell prints of the Middle of the Night art. Just prints. Nothing spectacular, nothing limited edition. I may change my mind later, and there is still time to do that since I haven't yet put them up anywhere. At any rate, here are the Middle of the Night Art pictures that I pulled out to print and sell.

Melting PotI just love this one. For me, the little witchdoctor represents the "master of the universe", and the idea for this picture came from a Rumi poem about being cooked in a pot. I'll upload a copy of the poem here in a few days, and put a link to it here, so you can read it and see what I'm talking about.
Can the problem of bovine illiteracy be solved with prescription eye glasses?An excellent question, and as you can see, it is an important one as well. I too, often stand cow-like and dense, unable to read the signs.
Life in a nut shell. This pretty much sums up my views on life on earth as a human woman, and it also looks like a fairly accurate portrayal of my house.
These are wax pastels and colored pencil on acid free black cardstock. The originals measure 8" x 8". So, here they are. Now all I need to do is figure out where to put them so people can buy them.