Monday, September 8, 2008

She may die

The following quote is from that cool book, Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather. It really hit home for me. Enjoy!


She may die before morning. But I have
been with her for four years. Four years.
There is no way I could feel cheated if
I didn't have her for another day. I didn't
deserve her for one minute, God knows.

And I may die before morning.

What I must do is die now. I must
accept the justice of death and the
injustice of life. I have lived a good life-
longer than many, better than most. Tony
died when he was twenty, I have had
thirty-two years. I couldn't ask for
another day. What did I do to deserve
birth? It was a gift. I am me - that is a
miracle. I had no right to a single minute.
Some are given a single hour. And yet I
have had thirty-two years.

Few can choose when they will die. I
choose to accept death now. As of this
moment I give up my "right" to live.
And I give up my "right" to her life.

But it's morning. I have been given
another day. Another day to hear and read
and smell and walk and love and glory.
I am alive for another day.

I think of those who aren't.

~Hugh Prather

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Anonymous said...

I love this quote. Thanks for sharing. Remember you are loved even if you are a C.H.B. LOL

Bob Johnson said...

Very profound, makes you think, life is gift and we are lucky to have been chosen and not to take anything for granted, cool.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Life is a gift - you are so right Bob. We sometimes get caught up in this rather profound sense of entitlement... I am deeply grateful for every minute I have with those I love...

Bob Johnson said...

Amen to that, if everyone thought like us there would be no wars, life is so so sacred!!

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