Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Snake Medicine

This is a Spreading Adder. Isn't he cute? I had a very interesting encounter with a little guy who looked just like this when I was in Oklahoma last week.

I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. He wasn't very big.. maybe 12 inches long at most. This is what I found out about him:

The name "Spreading Adder" name comes from snake’s tendency to spread its neck when he feels threatened – reminiscent of a cobra. His real name is the Eastern Hognose Snake (Heterodon platyrhinos).

Why does the hognose spread its neck? It’s a bluff to make the snake look large and imposing. These snakes are actually harmless.

Since I can't get him out of my mind, I decided look him up in my "Animal Speak" book. There is no mention of this specific snake, but for snakes in general, this is what he said:

The snake is a symbol of transformation and healing. Anytime a snake shows up as a totem, you can expect death and rebirth to occur in some area of your life. This rarely reflects an actual death but rather a transition. Look for change in conditions and a movement to new life. Examine what is going on around you:

  • Are you needing to make changes but aren't for some reason?
  • Are you trying to force change too quickly?
  • Are you striking out at people and shouldn't?
  • Are you not striking and should?
  • What is needing to be healed?
  • What new opportunities are surfacing that you need to strike out for and take advantage of?
  • When you are frightened, how do you bluff?
  • Do you exaggerate your fears?
  • Do you want to appear bigger or more important than you really are?
  • Are you bluffing?

It can also reflect that your own creative forces are awakening. Spiritually, it can stimulate greater perception of how to apply your insight and intuition. Your own vision and intuition will become more accurate. Learning opportunities, formal and informal, will surface frequently. You will be able to swallow and digest whatever you take in.

Snakes have speed and agility, so those who have snakes come into their life will usually find the changes and shifts occur quickly and are soon recognized and defined. When snake comes into your life you can look for a rebirth into new powers of creativity and wisdom.

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