Saturday, June 20, 2009

Three Quotes

I uploaded a bunch of quotes today, over at Way Cool Quotes, and these three from Caroline Myss really spoke to me. I thought I'd share them here. They really hit the spot for me today!


"Therefore, when you enter into anything, as a frightened being,
that contract you make with another person out of fear, has to fall apart."

~ Caroline Myss


"Contain your experience with the divine
so that it does not escape you but rather shapes you.
Be silent.
Silence will help you avoid engaging in the games of competition and illusion
that regularly seduce us in the outside world.
Silence also helps you avoid distraction.
It helps focus the busy mind -
the mind that always has to be doing something, thinking something,
the mind that always has to be otherwise engaged
lest it become introspective and allow the soul's voice to override its own.
The silence I am describing is a silence that you use
to contain the grace you receive when you enter the Castle of your soul.
This quality of silence allows you to engage in discernment.
You carry this silence within you, even when you are with others.
It allows you to hold your center amid the chaos of your life;
it keeps you clear so that you do not do or say things you will regret
or make decisions out of fear. "

~ Caroline Myss


"Do you really want to look back on your life
and see how wonderful it could have been
had you not been afraid to live it."

~ Caroline Myss

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