Friday, December 21, 2007

What DO I want?

Today, I actually took the time to write down what it is that I really do want. I expected the list would look a little bit different than it does. I fully expected my list would say that I want money, and I want to be healthy, and I want a Vardo Van, and I want my dog to live as long as I do, and I want to be enlightened, and I want everything to be OK.

And while those things are certainly embedded, the list itself came out somewhat different, here it is...

... well actually, this post has been moved to my new website, Hey It's Me, hosted at, and if you are interested, you can find it here: What DO I want?

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1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I LoVe this Shirley T! It speaks to every part of my Being. Thank you abudnantly for this eloquent and evocative expression of mind, body, spirit. Your writing always connects with me.

PS I have something for you in the frog smoochin' department.

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