Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Animal Communication?

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Animals communicate regularly through telepathy. It is the most basic form of communication, an ability we are all born with. As humans, we learn to rely on verbal communication and our telepathic skills are pushed aside and become rusty. Like a muscle, unless used regularly, these skills become weak and inefficient. Humans, given the proper mindset and training, have the ability to communicate telepathically with all species.

Communicating with an animal is a two way process, there is a sender and a receiver. Now here is the amazing part....telepathy can be done in person or over distance! A great example of this is when you are thinking of someone and the phone rings, low and behold it is the very person you were just thinking about. Coincidence or Telepathy!! We have all had telepathic experiences, we just don't recognize them as such.

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Bob Johnson said...

Wow, very interesting, I think my cat tries that with me, she knows how I feel, really weird.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Cats are amazingly telephathic. I had a really wonderful kitty who could tell when you were almost going to cry, (anyone - the kids, other peoples kids, me, whoever was at the house), and she'd come over making little mommy purry sounds, comforting, and nurturing.

She lived to be 18 years old, then she got cancer - I still miss her.

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