Sunday, May 18, 2008

Counting Coup

Amber Canyon
Morning Meditation

My first meditation, and I opened to a Sioux warrior.

When I looked into his eyes, I saw a battlefield, I smelled the blood and the shit. He was holding up a decapitated head. Holding it by it's hair. It was dripping blood. Other younger warriors were trilling and "counting coup". It was a dreadful scene.

He looked at me and said:

"Be who you are.
It is very important."

And when he said that, I realized:

Don't be who they are, don't be who others want you to be, don't be someone else, don't be who you think you should be. Be you, totally and completely you. No excuses. No regrets. And if you don't know who you are... well, OK... you can just be "you not knowing you".

What is the Morning Meditation?

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