Tuesday, August 5, 2008

See? I was right!

And to prove my point about suffering and success, and having the "Gods" smile on you, here is a story from Daily Running Tips about an incident at the 1908 London Olympics.

According to 1908 Olympic report, here's what happened:

Dorando Pietri of Italy entered the stadium first, but he took the wrong path and when umpires redirected him, he fell down for the first time. He got up with their help, in front of 75,000 trembling spectators.

He fell four more times, and every time was helped up by the umpires. In the end, though totally exhausted, he managed to finish the race in first place. Of his total time of 2h 54min 46s, ten minutes were needed for that last 350 metres.

The American team immediately lodged a complaint against the help Pietri received from the umpires. The complaint was accepted and Pietri was disqualified and second place finisher, American Johnny Hayes was declared the winner.

The next day, however, since he had not been responsible for his disqualification, Queen Alexandra awarded him a gold cup.

~ Posted By: Constantine Njeru

So, you see? Everyone... even the Umpires and Queens take pity on you when you are willing to suffer and endure.

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