Saturday, January 5, 2008

Spirit in the Sky

spirt in the sky
Originally uploaded by funkyluke

Isn't this cool? If I have my facts correct, this artist uses Flickr photos to promote and sell this nifty art. What a neat idea. I love the interestingness of the piece too.

It makes me want to do art! It makes me want to go looking in junk stores for cool stuff to glue together. I get so inspired when I see stuff like this!

Maybe that's because I'm creative!

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1 Comment:

Cindy H said...

Hi Shirley and everybody else! I took a couple months off from this project, but I do believe that it's BECAUSE of this project that I had to take a couple months off because I manifested so much prosperity that I had to move! (I hope that makes sense!!)

I can honestly say that participating in this project literally changed my life! I now have a much deeper peace and understanding of WHO I am and why I'm here! I managed to extricate myself from a toxic work environment as well as a toxic home environment and find peace and prosperity in the process!

Kudos and THANKS to Shirley for all the hard work she has put into this project!

I am now happily settled into my beautiful new abode and living like a queen! I have come to peace with my life and myself and I'm looking forward to becoming involved with this project again on a more regular basis.

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