Sunday, June 1, 2008

An Appointment With The Teacher

For months now, I've been talking about needing to find a "teacher," someone to teach me about magick, shamanism, healing, spirituality, life, living, and all those things that I am so intent on knowing. Finally, one day I suggested to my friend Daniel that maybe I should just make an appointment and show up and wait... like for example, I could tell the Master of the Universe that I could be found every Sunday at 2pm sitting in the coffee shop at Borders in Lee's Summit, and to please send my teacher there to find me.

God often speaks to me through books, and I figured that if no one showed up, maybe I'd at least find a book or a CD, and if all else fails, I will have enjoyed a good cup of coffee.

However... always there's the buts and the howevers... it never seemed really practical or possible to commit to being in town at a specific place at a specific time on one of my days off, and I for sure wouldn't be able to commit for the days that I work. So... the idea just sat there... unattended and well... fermenting.

Then, when I was in Texas, my sister and I visited Barnes and Noble and I found a really cool book on the bargain table. The North American Indian by Edward S Curtis.

Edward S Curtis

I opened it up and flipped through the pages, and stopped, riveted by the image of this most amazing person. He looked right into me. I could hear... yes, really... I could hear him chanting Lakota prayers... almost I could smell the sage... and the warm red earth... the feathers and the skins and the people around me... almost.

It was like a revelation. Here was my teacher... here were my teachers... I would take that book home, and every day as part of my morning meditation, I would open the book at random, meet with my teacher, and listen, and learn. Cool huh?

So... I've been doing that. Today marks the end of the 2nd week. It occured to me that it would be beneficial to post the teachings every day... this way I will be able to "track my progress"... leave a trail so to speak.

The posts are tagged "living by the book" and will be back dated so that they appear in the blog on the day, and at the approximate time they were received.

Note: I have been enjoying bloggers new feature that allows for scheduled posting, which means that I can have "days off" the internet and yet the blogs keep ticking along. Because these specific posts cannot be written in advance, they will simply show up here an there. If you don't want to miss any of them, you can simply click on the "living by the book" link in the sidebar under Stuff I Talk About, the most recent ones will come up first.

Blessings from my heart to your eyes!

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