Friday, June 13, 2008

My Back Yard

So... this is my back yard. Ever since I came back from Texas, I've been just totally in love with all the green.

Maybe I need a lawn mower?

Looks like I need a lawnmower, doesn't it? My one little sheep isn't keeping up with it too well is she? I think the grass is over her head in some places.

My Back Yard

And this is my pond. It's pretty full right now what with all the rain. Believe it or not, there are actually a gagillion goldfish who live here. They share the space with snapping turtles, snakes, crawdads, and dragonflies. I'm sure there are other fish too, but the goldfish are the only ones I ever see. Early mornings a heron comes and stalks the pond. I can see her out my living room window. It's pretty cool.

Cinnamin at the Pond

Cinnamin loves the pond. If you look at the image full size you can see the sunflower seeds floating on the water. I had just got done "feeding the ducks" and she was curious about what I was throwing into the water.


And here's a picture of that wonderful cottonwood tree where the Leaf Dancers live. It's right outside the window of my meditation room, and I've really been enjoying it. I sit, with the window open, watching the leaves move, listening to the wind move them. Wow.

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Bob Johnson said...

Very cool back yard.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Thanks Bob, I like it a lot!

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