Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Am Awesome!

Remember my "grandiose scheme?" That impossible daily routine? I have actually figured out a way to pretty much do it. How cool is that? Not only that... but I've actually been DOING it! I am so awesome!!


Here's what the routine looks like:

9am to 9:30 am - Getting Started:

  • get up,
  • stagger around and get the coffee going,
  • let the dogs out,
  • uncover the birds,
  • figure out what day it is,
  • drink the aforementioned coffee
  • NOTE: I have a little timer that I set so that I don't end up sitting there like a zombie for an hour or so.

9:30am to 10:30am - My Meditation Practice:

  • do a Hawaiian Kahuna meditation technique which consits of connecting visually and auditorily with the awesome cottonwood tree that lives just outside my window,
  • open my Native American book and have a conversation with whoever happens to show up on the page,
  • spend 15 minutes doing a sufi Meditation for Restoration and Repair
  • grab a handful of cornmeal and go outside and make an offering to the sun and say hello to the four directions
  • NOTE: I give myself an hour for this, which gives me plenty of time. I didn't want to feel like I was "on the clock." The only thing I set the timer for is the sufi meditation. Usually I get done with enough time to drink another cup of coffee before moving on to the next thing on the schedule.

10:30am to 11:30am - Taking Care of Shirley

  • Yes... it's right there in writing, and I'm actually doing it! How cool is that?
  • first up is 20 minutes of excercise.
  • Anything that involves me moving in a more vigorous manner than what I'm used to is fair game for the 20 minutes. Dancing, yoga, Tai Chi, mowing the grass, walking the dog, it's open ended. I can do whatever I want as long as I don't stop moving for 20 minutes.
  • I figure I can do just about anything for 20 minutes.
  • I like the freedom of doing whatever feels good. Mowing was especially fun because I knew I could stop after just 20 minutes whether I was done or not.
  • next up is 40 minutes for taking a shower, brushing my hair, a quick breakfast, stuff like that.

11:30am to 1:00pm - Household Chores and Art

  • the first 30 minutes is dedicated to housework. It's not a very long time - but it's more time than I usually spend - and I figure that I can clean house for 30 minutes without having a nervous breakdown or dying of boredom.
  • What gets cleaned is totally optional. If I want to spend the 30 minutes cleaning up an area for an art project - that's fine.
  • Paying bills and anything else that I hate to do can be tucked into this half hour.
  • The instant the timer dings, I'm done.
  • Now, I've got a whole hour dedicated to doing art. Today, I'm working on a mosaic. And yes, an hour isn't very long, but it's there for me every single day, and that feels really good!

1pm to 1am - The Rest Of The Day

  • Check it out! That's 12 hours!!
  • Now is the time for appointments and errands.
  • I can visit friends and family if I want to.
  • On days that I work, I'll still have plenty of time to get ready and get there.
  • Marathon blogging can still be done.
  • Art - yard work - goofing off - reading - watching TV - I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT FOR TWELVE WHOLE HOURS!!
  • If I want to have an organic garden - this is when I'll work on it.
  • If I want to remodel my house - this is when I'll do it.
  • If I want to spend hours and hours cooking everything I eat from scratch - this is when I'll do it.
  • If I want to teach Reiki, do shamanic healing, build a sweat lodge, or just sit outside and enjoy the weather...
  • And if I want to go to bed early - I can do that too!!

1am to 9am - Getting 8 hours of sleep

  • Yes ... 8 hours of sleep, and that's I stretch the schedule to the max.
  • On days that I work, I get home by midnight, so I can piddle around taking care of the dogs and still be in bed by 1am.

Is this cool or what? It's flexible enough and loose enough that I don't feel constricted by it. It gives me enough time to do pretty much whatever I want. For the first time in a long time, I'm starting to think that I'm going to actually get my shit together!

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Bob Johnson said...

Woo Hoo good for you!!

My day, 6:35 am get up, shower, dressed, at work by 7:oo am, take a bazillion calls, put out tons of fires, get home by 5:00 pm, take a bazillion calls from people at work, still, they miss me so much that they want to tell me what's broke now. bed by 11:00pm, unless the sky is clear and there is happenings like conjunctions, usually get called in the middle of the night for broke stuff that only I can fix, up at 6:35 am, the cycle starts again, hey I do get Saturday and Sunday off, only get a few calls, usually between 1-5 in the morning, I love my life,lol.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hey Bob! You really are awesome! A guy who fixes things, puts out fires, and still finds time to look at the stars!!

Really! That's pretty cool!

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